Bored on Saturday? Board Games Afternoon!

DüsselQueers playing various games

Our most popular get-together besides TGIF is the monthly board games afternoon. Mingle, chill and play with the queers and bring your favourite games! 

A new month, it’s Saturday and you’re sitting at home, bored. Nothing wrong with that, of course! From the top of your shelf, your long-forgotten board games whisper Play with us! beneath their dust cover. Maybe there are other people out there feeling the same?

While we don’t know exactly how our board game event got started, we do know that it was created out of boredom. What’s the best way to beat boredom? Games, queer people and fun. Put all three together and you have our event, held on the first Saturday of each month.

A stack of board games at our meetup

Bring your board games

Germany is a board game country. Did you know that the world’s largest board game fair is held in Germany? With so many people into board games, there’s a huge variety of games to choose from. We don’t tell people which games to play. Everyone’s free to bring their favourite games to the table and show others how to play them.

On average, around 25 people participate each month. As there are few games for such a large group, we split up. People are free to choose the games they want to play, move to a different table and try as many games as they like. You’ll get the chance to meet lots of fun people, and you can also discover new games through our meet-up.

DüsselQueers playing Monopoly
We also play classics such as Monopoly

What’s played?

The games that work best so far were short and medium length board games. Classics like Jenga and Uno always work and have been played multiple times. But we also played more recent games like Gay Sauna, Exploding Kittens or Dungeons & Drinks. Some of our members visit the Board Game Fair in Essen every year to buy fresh games.

There are also more regional games like Brändi Dog from our neighbours in Switzerland, which can be compared to Don’t Worry Be Happy but with teams. Feeling mean? Usually someone from the group will bring card games such as Joking Hazard, Shitty Choices or Cards Against Humanity.

Card game at the DüsselQueer board game meet-up

What to bring?

It’s all for fun, we’re not training for the next Monopoly championship. So warn others if you’re competitive 😉

The official meet-up time is from 4 to 8pm. After that, there’s usually a smaller group having dinner.

Where? Tigges, Brunnenstraße 1, 40223 Düsseldorf*
When? First Saturday of each month, 4-8 pm*

* Venue changes over time due to availability, please check our calendar for recent venue.

* Changes may apply, please check our event page before going 🙂