the düssel queers


This is a group for LGBTQ+ individuals from all countries and nationalities residing in Düsseldorf and its surrounding areas.

If you’re seeking to connect with new people, we aim to create a close-knit international community. We organize events and meetups to foster new friendships and enjoy ourselves in this vibrant city.

You want to interact with us?  Great! If you’re interested in joining any of our WhatsApp private groups, please click here.

For a quick message use our Facebook page or slide into our Instagram DMs.

Of course you can also write us an email at:



Almost every week there is a meet up at bars or hotel lounges.


After work gatherings, dinners, board games afternoons. We have different activities planned out taking place weekly, giving you the chance to meet and socialize.
Learn more here


QueerBook is our place where people share their stories.


Want to get to know our people? QueerBook is our place where people share their stories with you and tell you where they come from, what have the experienced and what we can learn from them.
visit queerbook


Show your pride with us and join us in the parade!


We participate in CSD pride parade every year, dancing and singing through the streets of Düsseldorf (and also Köln). You can join us either as a participant or volunteer to help organise our participation.
read about it here

Our community

Join our Facebook group and stay connected.

Do you like constant chatter? Then click here and never be bored!!!

Want to see us in visuals? Follow our Instagram!

Join our professional network.

join us

Do you want to help us shape the future of this international queer community? If so, you should join our Association.

Since we already have our members organized in groups, we decided to create the Association just for those active members who are helping in the organization of the group (events, website, social media, etc.). Given that all help from active members is ad-honorem, no member fee is required! 

If you just want to continue participating in our events and in the chats, then you don’t need to join the association. Your presence is what keeps the group going and if you feel like still contributing in some way, donations are always welcome!

support us